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如何提高过渡金属磷化物的电催化析氢反应(HER)活性以满足工业化规模的应用仍然是一个世界性的难题。本文报道了一种新颖的碳纳米管负载硼(B)掺杂 CoP 纳米粒子的电催剂(B-CoP/CNT),B 掺杂改善了 CoP 的电子结构特性,实现宽pH高效稳定的电催化产氢。结合实验和理论研究明确了低电负性的B掺杂剂调整了与其成键的 Co 原子及其邻近 P 原子的局域电子构型,从而增强 Co 原子的电子离域能力,提高了材料的导电性能,优化了活性位点上 H* 吸附和 H2 脱附的自由能,加快了析氢反应(HER)动力学。
目前,Pt 基材料仍是全 pH 值范围内 HER 活性最高的电催化剂,但是其商业应用在很大程度上受到高成本和资源稀缺的限制。因此,寻求低成本效益、存储量大、效率高且耐久性良好的过渡金属基电催化剂对于加速氢能利用具有重要意义。近年,过渡金属磷化物(TPMs)由于具有优异导电性、机械强度、化学耐受性和低成本等优点而备受关注。
然而,目前 TMPs 的实际 HER 性能尚不能与 Pt 基催化剂相提并论。理论和实验研究表明,由于 P 电负性高,嵌入在 TMP 晶格中的 P 原子除了捕获金属原子中的电子外,还表现出强吸附 H* 能力。因而,TMP 表面的氢吸附吉布斯自由能(ΔGH*)和热中性(0 eV)的值之间存在的差异较大。此外,TMP 中高浓度的 P 也削弱了金属原子中电子的离域能力,从而导致 TMP 的电导率严重降低。因此要进一步提高 TPMs 的催化性能,需在局域原子层面对 TMP 位点进行精细调控,并深入了解与其特定电子结构相关的催化机制。
基于以上研究现状及面临的问题,本工作报道了碳纳米管负载硼掺杂磷化钴纳米粒子的复合材料(B-CoP/CNT)。B 掺杂不仅改变了 Co 原子周围的局域配位结构,而且由于 B 原子较低电负性,使得 Co 与周围非金属间的转移电子数减少,进而调变了 CoP 的局域电子密度。通过掺杂适度的 B,具有最佳 B/P 比的 B-CoP/CNT 在酸性、中性和碱性介质中均表现出优异的 HER 活性,其性能优于大多数现有技术制备的过渡金属磷化物,且具有优异的长期化学稳定性。密度泛函理论(DFT)计算表明,B 掺杂可以有效地调节 B-CoP/CNT 表面的氢原子结合能。第一作者为黑龙江大学硕士生曹二平同学,通讯作者为陈志敏教授和任志宇教授。
▲Figure 1. (a) Schematic illustration for the synthetic process of B-CoP/CNT hybrid. (b, c) TEM and HRTEM images of B-Co3O4/CNT hybrid. (d) XRD patterns of B-Co3O4/CNT and B-CoP/CNT hybrids. (e-j) TEM images, HRTEM images and STEM-EDX mapping of B-CoP/CNT hybrid. The inset in (b) and (e) are the corresponding diameter distribution of B-Co3O4 nanoparticles on CNT and SAED pattern of B-CoP/CNT hybrid.
▲Figure 2. (a-c) High-resolution Co 2p, B 1s, and P 2p XPS spectra of B-CoP/CNT and CoP/CNT hybrids, respectively. (d) Charge density distribution of CoP and B-CoP. (e) Co K-edge XANES spectra of B-CoP/CNT hybrid, CoP/CNT hybrid and several references, the inset is the pre-edge features of all samples. (f) Fourier transforms of k2-weighted EXAFS data for the Co K-edge of B-CoP/CNT hybrid, CoP/CNT hybrid and several references (without phase shift). (g, h) Wavelet transforms (WT) contour plots of the k2-weighted EXAFS signals of CoP/CNT and B-CoP/CNT hybrids, respectively.
▲Figure 3. (a, b) iR-corrected HER polarization curves and the corresponding Tafel plots of B-CoP/CNT, CoP/CNT, phosphatized CNT and the commercial Pt/C (20%) catalysts recorded in 0.5 M H2SO4. The inserted images are the corresponding HER overpotential required for j = 10 mA cm-2. (c, d) iR-corrected HER polarization curves and the corresponding Tafel plots of B-CoP/CNT and the commercial Pt/C (20%) catalysts recorded in 1.0 M PBS and 1.0 M KOH, respectively. (e) iR-corrected polarization curves recorded before and after 5000 accelerated degradation test CV cycles. (f) Time dependence of the current density for B-CoP/CNT and the commercial Pt/C (20%) catalysts at static overpotentials of 47 mV (in 0.5 M H2SO4), 86 mV (in 1.0 M PBS) and 61 mV (in 1.0 M KOH) for 100 h.
▲Figure 4. (a) The differences in current density (Δj) at 0.260 V (vs. RHE) as a function of scan rate for B-CoP/CNT, CoP/CNT, and phosphatized CNT catalysts in 0.5 M H2SO4. The inserted images are the corresponding Cdl values. (b) Nyquist plots of the B-CoP/CNT, CoP/CNT, and phosphatized CNT at open circuit potential in 0.5 M H2SO4, the inset is the equivalent circuit model applied to fit the Nyquist plots. (c, d) Optimized models for hydrogen adsorption at the Co-Co bridge site of pristine CoP (101) surface and CoP (101) with 10.3% B doping. (e) Free-energy diagram for HER. (f) Calculated DOS of surface Co atoms d orbitals on the pristine CoP (101) and CoP (101) surface with 10.3% B doping.
本文以 NaBH4 作为还原剂和硼源,采用简单的静电组装、原位还原、退火和磷化氢气氛低温磷化连续过程制备了碳纳米管负载 B 掺杂 CoP 纳米粒子电催化材料。实验和 DFT 计算均表明 B 原子的掺杂触发了催化位点电子结构,电导率甚至 H* 吸附自由能的协同优化,大大降低了整体 HER 势垒,提升了宽 pH 范围的 HER 性能。这项工作将为开发用于制氢的高活性非贵金属电催化剂开辟新的视角。
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