参考文献:第一步:y-Keto-y-2-triphenyZenyZbutyricA cid-To a solution of tirphenylene (15 g.) and succinic
anhydride (7 g.) in anhydrous nitrobenzene (200c.c.),finely powdered aluminium chloride (15g.)
was added in small portions. The deep green mixture was kept for 4 days at room temperature,
then decomposed with water, and the nitrobenzene steam-distilled. The solid residue was
crystallised, first from chlorobenzene,then from ethanol, giving colourless prisms (12 g.), m. p.
225″ (Found : C, 80-2; H, 5-2. C2,H1,0, requires C, 80.5; H, 4.9%) of the acid; its sodium
salt was sparingly soluble in water.
第二步:CycZisation of y-2-TriphenyZenylbutyricA &.-This acid (11.5 g.) was prepared by refluxing
for 4 hr. a solution of P-2-triphenylenoylpropionicacid (16 g.; m. p. 224″),95% hydrazine
hydrate (16g.), and potassium hydroxide (15g.) in diethylene glycol (250c.c.); after cooling
and dilution with water, the acid was precipitated on acidification with hydrochloric acid, and
recrystallised from benzene.